At the December general meeting, the following people were elected to the ARROW Board of Directors:
Harvey Bauss, KB8MUP, Treasurer
Mary Anne Stoner, W8VWY, Secretary
Jay Nugent, WB8TKL, Technical Coordinator
Jim Lommel, WD8RWI, Public Service Coordinator
John Wasciuk, WA8TON/VO1TON, Activities Coordinator

You may notice that we do not have a President. No one stepped forward to take on this role. However, it’s not too late. According to the bylaws, a President may be appointed by the Board of Directors, so if anyone is interested, please let one of us know right away. Also, although he is not elected, the Trustee Delegate was not determined yet because none of the station trustees were present at the meeting and have not expressed their wishes, to my knowledge at least, to the board.

Mary Anne, W8VWY