Serving Radio Amateurs in Michigan's Washtenaw & Wayne Counties

Category: Meeting Notes Page 2 of 3

ARRL Great Lakes Division Vice Director Candidates’ Forum (9/30/2020)

On Wednesday, September 30, 2020, ARROW held a special meeting, at which all three candidates for ARRL Great Lakes Vice Director were to speak. This video is a recording of that meeting. On this video, you’ll see Scott, N8SY, and Frank, KI8GW, but, unfortunately, we were unable to connect with Jim, K8JH. Below, you’ll find links to their candidate statements.


ARROW Meeting, Wednesday, September 9 – Michael Kalter, W8CI, candidate for the ARRL Board of Directors

On Wednesday, September 9, 2020, Michael Kalter, W8CI, spoke to ARROW via Zoom. He spoke about why he’s running for the ARRL Board of Directors and his vision for the ARRL. Here’s the video:

I also invited Dale Williams, WA8EFK, the incumbent, but he was unable to join us.

AC8TO on FT8

Don, AC8TO, gave us a great presentation on FT8 at our online meeting Wednesday evening. Here are his slides, if you missed it:

Solar power for the ham shack and home network

Here are the slide from W8XM’s great presentation at the October meeting….Dan

Nick, W8XM on the Raspberry Pi 4

At our July meeting, we were treated to a great presentation by Nick, W8XM, on the new Raspberry Pi 4. Thanks, Nick!




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