Serving Radio Amateurs in Michigan's Washtenaw & Wayne Counties

Category: Meeting Notes Page 1 of 3

NOTICE: General Meeting Location & Date Change

Hello ARROW,

After our last general meeting the facilities manager at Liberty school in Saline informed us that they will need to start charging us for the use of the cafeteria. Once we received this information, we started to look for other venues to host our meetings that meets our needs.

We have found a venue that meets our needs and is a good partnership but requires a move in the meeting date. We did a review of other amateur radio meetings and activities to decide on a good day of the month for the ARROW general meeting.

Going forward the ARROW general meeting will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 7:00-9:00pm (6:30pm pre meeting gathering). The meeting location will be at Maker Works (3765 Plaza Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108) which is down the street from the Ann Arbor Airport.

The plan is still to have the meeting as Hybrid with zoom for those that can’t join in person. We hope that everyone is still able to attend our general meeting with the date change. The location should be easier to access as it is just off of the I-94 State Street exit.

To learn more about what topics are on the agenda for the general meeting please visit our website for details (

Thanks for your understanding

Jay, WB8TKL, Explains AREDN Mesh Networking

For a year or more now, several ARROW members have been experimenting with mesh networking, specifically Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN). In this talk, which was presented ARROW’s monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, Jay, WB8TKL explains some of the basics and how we’re trying to set up a network here in Ann Arbor.

For more information, or to jump right in, you can join the ARROW Mesh Network mailing list.

AMP Team Hunt Park Meeting, Monday, June 20, 2022

The ARROW Mobile and Portable (AMP) Team met for the second time in 2022 on Monday, June 20 in Hunt Park. 15 ARROW members showed up and really had a great time. Perhaps the highlight of the evening was the ARROW Monday Night Net. With most of the net’s check-ins at the park, it was almost like we were holding the net in stereo.

The next AMPTeam meeting will be on Monday, August 15, at a location to be determined. If you would like to suggest a park for this meeting, contact Jay, WB8TKL.

Here are some photos from the outing:

Matthew, KE8UEE, our newest and youngest member heating up the air waves.

Jay, WB8TKL’s “go kit” includes both HF and VHF/UHF capabilities.

Ryan, K8RHH, having a blast with his mag loop antenna.

Dinesh, AB3DC (is that Delta Charlie or Dog Cat?), operates an FT-891A with a Buddistick antenna. He may be the only who worked any DX on Monday.

Mo, KE8BZH, working hard to make contacts.

Dan, KB6NU, crouched over his KX-3. He wasn’t having much luck early on, but managed to eke out 3 CW QSOs later in the evening.


On Wednesday, February 10, Max, KE8DON told us all about AUXCOMM…


ARRL Great Lakes Division Vice Director Candidates’ Forum (9/30/2020)

On Wednesday, September 30, 2020, ARROW held a special meeting, at which all three candidates for ARRL Great Lakes Vice Director were to speak. This video is a recording of that meeting. On this video, you’ll see Scott, N8SY, and Frank, KI8GW, but, unfortunately, we were unable to connect with Jim, K8JH. Below, you’ll find links to their candidate statements.


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