Arrow’s premiere Public Service event, the Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society’s One Helluva Ride is Sat. July 13. Volunteers are needed to provide communications and transportation throughout the over 400 sq. mile area covered by the Ride. A good mobile radio and antenna are the primary requirements. For those of you already on board, thank you very much. For the rest, here’s a list of who is NEEDED. Of course, any assistance over and above these few would be appreciated. To keep things in perspective, remember it’s not me who needs you, it’s the 1800 riders. More info at
(1) One person from 8am to about 1pm.
(2) One person from 9am to about 2pm.
(3) One person from 10am to 1pm. (C’mon. Anybody can spare three hours!)
(4) Either one person 8am to 5pm OR one from 8am to 1pm and one from 1pm to 6pm. (or at least the 8-1 shift).
These would all require a decent mobile rig and antenna as well as carrying capability for two bicycles and their riders. Also recommended are some small basic tools and a decent tire pump (Presta valve required).
You may bring an “assistant” to help keep an eye on maps and riders (and other vehicles!)
If any of you are interested, please contact me directly at
An event like this is some of the best training you can get. We actually DO something. It’s fun, and it’s a good feeling to help.
Thanks, and have a nice day.