One of the great things about our club is the VE team. We religiously (pun intended) hold test sessions every second Saturday of the month at the Fellowship Bible Church here in Ann Arbor. There are 26 members of our VE team, and this team is one of the reasons our club has been so successful.

An amateur radio license exam session.

At the January 11 test session our VE team used ExamTools for the first time. Photo: Steve, AC8YA.

At the January 11, 2025 test session, our VE team went electronic, this being the first test session they used ExamTools. ExamTools is a web-based software package that allows for administering and grading exams via computer or paper, and digital signing of all forms including NCVEC Form 605 and all Certificates of Successful Completion. It can also be used to generate randomized exams for Amateur Radio Element 2 (Technician), Element 3 (General), and Element 4 (Amateur Extra).

ExamTools streamlines the administration of amateur radio exams for both in-person and remote exam sessions. Candidates take tests in a web browser on a computer or tablet, after which VEs grade the test on a computer, generate an electronic Certificate of Successful Completion of Exam (CSCE), and electronically submit the test results to their Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC), which in our case is the ARRL.

The January 11, 2025 test session was very successful. There were four candidates, and they all passed the Tech test. One attempted the General exam, but unfortunately, failed. There were 10 VEs administering the test, including:

  • Dinesh, AB3DC
  • Steve AC8YA
  • James, AE8JF
  • Mark, W8FSA
  • Jeff, AA8HF
  • Ralph, AA8RK
  • Calvin, KC8NYZ
  • Jeff, KN8A
  • Ron, N8TEN
  • Mark,W8MP

Jeff, AA8HF, commented, “I was impressed with how much quicker the whole process was. I’ve been a VE for just about a year, and the test sessions I’ve seen have taken an hour or more depending on how many candidates we had. In the past, they often spent more time waiting for us to grade each test and fill out and sign all the forms than they spent taking the actual test. Using Exam Tools, our session took a little more than a half hour, and the candidates got their results instantly. The ‘paperwork’ only took a few minutes for each test.”

With ExamTools, it looks like our VE team will be able to make more new hams even faster.