Serving Radio Amateurs in Michigan's Washtenaw & Wayne Counties

Author: James Forgacs Page 1 of 3

Dayton Hamvention 2025 Charter Bus

Sticky post

The ARROW Communications Association and the Toledo Mobile Radio Association (TMRA) are proud to sponsor a motor coach trip to the Hamvention 2025 in Dayton, Ohio. This one-day trip leaves early in the morning on May 17, 2025 and returns the same day after Hamvention closes for the day at 5:00 p.m.  The bus has two pickup spots, in Ann Arbor and in Toledo (Rossford). Please join us! Tickets are $70 per person. Please note that this does not include the Hamvention ticket, which you need to purchase separately

Tickets are $70 per person. Please note that this does not include the Hamvention ticket, which you need to purchase separately.

To Register and see full Details visit:

NOTICE: General Meeting Location & Date Change

Hello ARROW,

After our last general meeting the facilities manager at Liberty school in Saline informed us that they will need to start charging us for the use of the cafeteria. Once we received this information, we started to look for other venues to host our meetings that meets our needs.

We have found a venue that meets our needs and is a good partnership but requires a move in the meeting date. We did a review of other amateur radio meetings and activities to decide on a good day of the month for the ARROW general meeting.

Going forward the ARROW general meeting will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 7:00-9:00pm (6:30pm pre meeting gathering). The meeting location will be at Maker Works (3765 Plaza Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108) which is down the street from the Ann Arbor Airport.

The plan is still to have the meeting as Hybrid with zoom for those that can’t join in person. We hope that everyone is still able to attend our general meeting with the date change. The location should be easier to access as it is just off of the I-94 State Street exit.

To learn more about what topics are on the agenda for the general meeting please visit our website for details (

Thanks for your understanding

JOTA: Jamboree-on-the-Air

Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is the largest Scouting event in the world. It is held annually the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation, and in your own community.

ARROW’s JOTA Event Details.
Date/Time: October 19th 2024 from 9am-1pm
Location: The Front Lawn of Liberty School in Saline, MI (7265 N Ann Arbor St, Saline, MI 48176)
Contact: for questions or more information

ARROW Field Day 2024

2:00 PM Saturday June 22 – 2:00 PM Sunday June 23
On the soccer field – just north of Ann Arbor Municipal Airport
801 Airport Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Field Day, an amateur radio event that takes place on the last full weekend of June every year, is an emergency communications exercise, public outreach event, and social event all rolled into one. Since 1933, radio amateurs—also
known as “hams”—have set up temporary amateur radio stations in public locations to showcase amateur radio technology and have invited the public to join them. Hams operate round-the-clock from tents and RVs using emergency power supplied by gas generators, solar panels, and batteries. At Field Day, you can:

  • Get on the air and talk to others via amateur radio.
  • Find out more about how you can get a license
  • Have fun with amateur radio.
  • Talk about all things radio and technology.
  • Sit back, relax, and have fun!

AMPTeam Outing: Jan 15th 2024

When: Monday, January 15th, 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm
Where: County Farm Park, 2230 Platt Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48104

AMPteam Outings take place once every month all year long, rain or shine.  We gather at a common location, set up and operate portable HF, VHF, and AREDN Mesh Microwave stations. This provides an opportunity to hone our skills in rapid and efficient deployment of Amateur Radio stations into the field in what are oftentimes non-optimum conditions.

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