Serving Radio Amateurs in Michigan's Washtenaw & Wayne Counties

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NOTICE: General Meeting Location & Date Change

Hello ARROW,

After our last general meeting the facilities manager at Liberty school in Saline informed us that they will need to start charging us for the use of the cafeteria. Once we received this information, we started to look for other venues to host our meetings that meets our needs.

We have found a venue that meets our needs and is a good partnership but requires a move in the meeting date. We did a review of other amateur radio meetings and activities to decide on a good day of the month for the ARROW general meeting.

Going forward the ARROW general meeting will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 7:00-9:00pm (6:30pm pre meeting gathering). The meeting location will be at Maker Works (3765 Plaza Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108) which is down the street from the Ann Arbor Airport.

The plan is still to have the meeting as Hybrid with zoom for those that can’t join in person. We hope that everyone is still able to attend our general meeting with the date change. The location should be easier to access as it is just off of the I-94 State Street exit.

To learn more about what topics are on the agenda for the general meeting please visit our website for details (

Thanks for your understanding

ARROW Jan 11th General Meeting: Special Guest Dr. Tamitha Skov “Space Weather Woman”

Our next general meeting is on January 11th at 7pm (pre meeting check in starting at 6:30pm)
For more information please contact AE8JF or

Meeting Presentation: The Rise and Relevance of Space Weather Impacts on Amateur Radio in Solar Cycle 25
Similar to terrestrial weather, “Space Weather” causes a wide variety of issues that affect our daily lives. From the disruption of amateur radio communications and satellite GPS signals to the beautiful light displays of the aurora, this talk gives an overview of Space Weather and the multi-faceted impact it has on society. We begin with the origin of space weather phenomena at the Sun and the different ways these solar phenomena affect Earth, especially radio propagation. The extreme Space Weather events during the hurricanes of September 2017 will be used as a real-world demonstration and illustrates a new kind of a “perfect storm” in our modern world. Such examples show why Space Weather is becoming a critical component of modern weather and highlight how public perception and consumption of Space Weather science is changing.

Presenter: Dr. Tamitha Skov “Space Weather Woman”Tamitha Skov
holds B.S. degrees in physics and physical chemistry, as well as M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in geophysics and planetary physics from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). In 2004 she joined The Aerospace Corporation in Los Angeles where she worked as a Research Scientist in the Physical Sciences Laboratory for nearly 20 years. In 2019 she also joined Millersville University as an adjunct professor, teaching a graduate curriculum in space environment, communication and policy. Tamitha works primarily in the fields of solar and space physics research and in the testing of spacecraft materials in realistic space radiation environments. She has been an instructor at The Aerospace Institute and has served as an audio forensics analyst and instructor for the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC), funded by the Department of Justice. Her forecasting work as the “Space Weather Woman” is widely known on social media such as You Tube, Twitter, and Facebook. Tamitha has been featured in Popular Science Magazine, MIT Technology Review, and on television shows for The Weather Channel, The History Channel, NASA TV, and ARTE TV. She makes regular appearances online for TMRO Space News and for HRCC’s Ham Nation (formerly on TWiT TV), doing space weather forecasts under her amateur radio callsign WX6SWW.

ARROW Elects Officers for 2023

On Wednesday, December 14, 2022 the membership elected the following officers for 2023:

  • President: James Forgacs, AE8JF
  • Secretary: Don Winsor, AC8TO
  • Treasurer: Steve Rogacki, AC8GO
  • Technical Coordinator: Jay Nugent, WB8TKL
  • Public Service Officer: Ed Thierbach, AB8OJ
  • Activities Coordinator: John Wasciuk, WA8TON
  • Delegate Trustee: Dan Romanchik, KB6NU

Congratulations to all!

Field Day 2022: Back at the Airport

If you weren’t at Field Day this year, you missed a good time. The weather cooperated, the ionosphere cooperated, and everyone who was there had a good time. Below, are some photos from the event. For more photos, go to the ARROW Field Day 2022 Photo Gallery.

The weather was pretty nice for Field Day. Temperatures were moderate, and there was plenty of blue sky.

We set up four stations: 2 CW stations, a phone station, and the GOTA station. Here, Arun, W8ARU, is pulling the night shift at one of the CW stations.

Pictured here is Joe, AC8ES, at the phone station.

Matthew, KE8UEE (in the blue shirt, lower right), was our GOTA station star this year, racking up 100 contacts.

Max, the son of Charles, W8HAX, also worked the GOTA station and scored some points for us.

This guy also paid a visit to the GOTA station. We couldn’t get him to make any contacts, though.

Jay, WB8TKL, did another fine job with the public information tent this year. He also brought out the portable tower that you can see in the rear of this photo.

We also got a visit from our new Section Manager, Les, W8MSP. Here, he poses with Ralph, AA8RK, and Governor Whitmer’s proclamation declaring last week to be Amateur Radio Week in Michigan.

Mark, W8MP, took a motley crew up in his plane, and Dinesh, AB3DC, took this shot of our FD setup.

From L to R, the flight crew consisted of Dinesh AB3DC, Dan KB6NU (rear seat), Matthew KE8UEE, and Mark W8MP. In addition to getting an aerial photo, Matthew made his first aeronautical mobile contact!

ARROW Elects Officers for 2022

On Wednesday, December 8, the membership elected the following officers:

  • President: James Forgacs, KC8BGJ
  • Secretary: Don Winsor, AC8TO
  • Treasurer: Steve Rogacki, AC8GO
  • Technical Coordinator: Steve Gladden, N8LBV
  • Public Service Officer: Ed Thierbach, AB8OJ
  • Activities Coordinator: John Wasciuk, WA8TON
  • Delegate Trustee: Thom Martin, W8TAM

Ed, AB8OJ, is returning to the board, while James, KC8BGJ, is joining the board for the first time.

Congratulations to all!

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